Born from grit

Started by Sean Smith, he brought more than 20 years of MedTech marketing and publishing know-how.

He saw a need for change and took the leap.


Sean Smith - Founder & Publisher

The Mastermind: Sean's journey is diverse. From fine arts to marketing and journalism, he's learned to speak clearly and communicate impactfully. In 2020, he embraced risk to build something new. He's faced ups and downs, learning at every step. Today, he leads with vision and relentless drive.

Francesco Termine - Managing Director

The Creator: Francesco turns complex ideas into clear visuals. His designs and videos don't just look good; they speak. He breaks barriers, making sure our message is heard and felt.

Emily Piernick- Marketing Manager

The Architect: Emily is all about precision and reliability. She manages projects with a sharp eye, ensuring everything runs smoothly. Her ability to communicate and innovate makes her vital. She's the bridge between our vision and our clients' success.

We focus on what matters – your expertise and their needs.

Building real connections, real insights, and real value.